Can You Drink Coke Zero While Fasting? The Science Explained

A glass of Coke Zero with ice cubes splashing, surrounded by ice on a reflective surface. The background is a light blue, giving a refreshing, chilled vibe, ideal for conveying the idea of a cold drink

Fasting has become a popular practice in recent years, whether it’s for weight loss, health benefits, or religious reasons. But for many people, the question of what you can and cannot drink during a fast remains a little confusing. One of the most common questions asked is: Can you drink Coke Zero while fasting? In this article, we’ll explore the science behind fasting and whether Coke Zero will break your fast.

What Is Fasting?

Fasting is the practice of abstaining from food (and sometimes drink) for a specified time. While fasting has been practiced for centuries, it’s currently gaining attention in the health and wellness community. The most common form of fasting today is intermittent fasting, where you cycle between periods of eating and fasting.

Some of the major benefits of fasting include:

  • Weight loss
  • Improved metabolic health
  • Increased autophagy (the body’s process of clearing out damaged cells)
  • Improved mental clarity and focus

For fasting to be effective, you need to remain fast, which brings us to the question of whether consuming Coke Zero affects this state.

What Is Coke Zero?

Coke Zero, also known as Coca-Cola Zero Sugar, is a calorie-free and sugar-free version of the classic Coca-Cola. The drink is marketed as tasting like regular Coke but without any of the sugar or calories. Instead of sugar, Coke Zero contains artificial sweeteners, which we will discuss in more detail about fasting.

So, is Coke Zero okay to consume while fasting?

Will Coke Zero Break Your Fast?

The short answer is: it depends. To fully understand this, we need to break down fasting into two main categories:

1. Fasting for Weight Loss

If you’re fasting primarily for weight loss, the main goal is to restrict calorie intake to force your body to burn stored fat for energy. Coke Zero contains zero calories, so technically, it won’t cause an insulin spike or provide any caloric intake that would interfere with fat burning.

However, some experts argue that the sweet taste of Coke Zero might trigger an insulin response in certain individuals, even though the drink contains no sugar. Research on artificial sweeteners, such as aspartame, acesulfame potassium, and sucralose (found in Coke Zero), is ongoing, and there’s debate about whether these ingredients can influence insulin sensitivity.

2. Fasting for Autophagy or Health Benefits

If you’re fasting for purposes like cellular repair (autophagy) or metabolic health, things get a little more complicated. The goal of this type of fasting is to give your body a complete break from processing anything, including artificial sweeteners. While Coke Zero doesn’t provide calories, some researchers believe it could potentially interfere with autophagy due to the chemical additives.

In short, if your primary goal is weight loss, drinking Coke Zero may not interfere with your progress. However, if you’re fasting for cell repair or other health benefits, it might be better to avoid it altogether.

The Role of Artificial Sweeteners in Fasting

One of the main concerns with Coke Zero during fasting is its artificial sweeteners, specifically:

  • Aspartame
  • Acesulfame potassium
  • Sucralose

Let’s break down these sweeteners and their impact on fasting:


Aspartame is one of the most widely used artificial sweeteners. It contains zero calories and is commonly found in diet drinks like Coke Zero. According to most studies, aspartame does not raise blood sugar or insulin levels, making it unlikely to break a fast in terms of weight loss.

However, some animal studies suggest that it could influence gut microbiota and, in rare cases, insulin sensitivity. Still, there’s no conclusive evidence to suggest aspartame would cause a significant impact during a fast.

Acesulfame Potassium

Also known as Ace-K, this sweetener is often combined with aspartame to enhance sweetness. Like aspartame, Ace-K doesn’t raise blood sugar levels, but there is some evidence suggesting it may still cause a small insulin response in certain individuals. It’s worth noting that this response is usually minimal and unlikely to affect fat-burning during a fast.


Sucralose is another zero-calorie sweetener found in Coke Zero, and like the other artificial sweeteners, it is non-caloric. Most research shows that sucralose does not raise blood sugar or insulin levels when consumed in small amounts.

However, some studies suggest that sucralose could impact gut health, which may play a role in overall metabolic health. This may be important if your fasting goals include long-term metabolic health improvements.

Conclusion on Artificial Sweeteners

While artificial sweeteners in Coke Zero likely won’t break your fast in terms of calories or fat-burning, they may have minor impacts on insulin or gut health, depending on the individual. The overall consensus is that moderation is key. One Coke Zero during a fast is unlikely to derail your goals, but it’s always good to be mindful.

Pros and Cons of Drinking Coke Zero While Fasting


  • Zero Calories: Coke Zero contains no calories, so it won’t contribute to your caloric intake.
  • Satisfies Cravings: For those who find fasting difficult, the sweet taste of Coke Zero can provide a psychological boost.
  • Convenience: It’s widely available and can be an easy way to curb hunger.


  • Artificial Sweeteners: While they are calorie-free, artificial sweeteners may cause a minor insulin response in some individuals, which could stall fat burning or affect gut health.
  • Potential for Cravings: The sweet taste might trigger sugar cravings or hunger, making it harder to stick to your fasting window.
  • Chemicals: If you’re fasting for detoxification or cell repair, the chemicals in Coke Zero may interfere with those benefits.

What Are Some Better Alternatives?

If you’re still unsure about Coke Zero during fasting, there are plenty of zero-calorie alternatives that can help keep you hydrated without any potential downsides.


The gold standard for fasting. It’s calorie-free, keeps you hydrated, and won’t interfere with any fasting benefits. To add flavor, you can try infused water with slices of lemon or cucumber.

Black Coffee

A popular choice among intermittent fasters, black coffee is calorie-free and can help boost metabolism and suppress appetite during fasting.

Herbal Tea

Herbal teas are naturally caffeine-free and offer a variety of flavors without any added sugars or sweeteners.

Sparkling Water

If you’re craving a fizzy drink, try sparkling water. It’s naturally calorie-free and can provide that same fizzy sensation as Coke Zero without the artificial sweeteners.

So, Can You Drink Coke Zero While Fasting?

The bottom line is that drinking Coke Zero during fasting is unlikely to significantly impact your weight loss goals, as it doesn’t contain calories. However, if you’re fasting for health benefits beyond weight loss, you may want to avoid it due to its artificial sweeteners.

Ultimately, moderation is key. If you enjoy Coke Zero and it helps you stick to your fasting plan, having it occasionally won’t harm your progress. But if you’re fasting for autophagy or gut health, it’s best to stick with water, tea, or black coffee.

By following this guide, you can make an informed decision about whether or not to include Coke Zero in your fasting routine. Just remember: the ultimate goal of fasting is to improve your health, so choose the option that best aligns with your fasting objectives!

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